Sunday, March 21, 2010

wow, where has the time gone?

Well, it has been a while since I have last blogged. Life goes by soo fast when you have a baby, full-time job, etc.

I did a lot of travelling with work the past couple of months. But I am happy to say that it has slowed down a little bit. Also, we now are hitting our busy season at work. It can sometimes get overwhelming but def. makes my day go by soo fast! I am handling a lot more of the customer service and logistics and I am learning more everyday. I really LOVE it!

Kaiden is growing so fast! It seems like evryday he is learning more and more. I fall in love with him more every day. Those blue eyes and blonde hair and that cute toothy smile make my heart melt every time. When I sit back and look at him I always wonder what God has in store for him when he gets older and if Mike and I are going to raise him up the way God wants us too. We want to raise him in a Godly home and want nothing but the best for him. I know that whatever come his way he will be strong. is name means different things in different cultures/languages. The one meaning that sticks out to me is "warrior". He has been just that since the day he was born. He fought so much just within his first week of being born. Since he has been growing more and more he has such a strong personality. He loves people and is just such a joy. I never knew that I could love someone this much!

I have started a new goal within the past few months and that has been starting a healthier lifestyle. I have started a program that is called Genesis Pure. I have never been into doing these kind of programs but this one is all natural and def. make you feel GREAT! Being a first time mom I needed something that would give me energy and just to get all the fruit and veggie servings I would need in a day. I have been working out about 5-6 times a week and LOVING it! Its a new hobby of mine and it makes me feel good! I have lost ten pounds and some inches as well. I didn't join this program at first to really lose the weight I just wanted to just start being healthy. My new goal for the next few months is to lose 5-10 more pounds and then maintain what I have. God has really put some challenges in front of me such as just learning to love and respect myself for who I am and that this is the way He designed me and that He loves me the same no matter what! God is SO good!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

leaving tomorrow

Well it has been forever since I have been on here I know. Life has been sooo crazy. I am leaving for a business trip tomorrow to chicago and wont be back until sunday night and have off of work on Monday! PTL!!! Then I will leave again on Feb. 2-8 to Seattle, WA!!! It is def. bittersweet as it will b hard to leave my boys behind but the pay is good and so is the overtime and I dont have to pay for a thing while I am gone!

Lately I have been really praying and thinking and I feel at a tough spot as Mike and I have been talking and I really dont want to have anymore children. I always wanted to have a few but after actually having a child I dont feel as if I want to have another one. It is def. causing some arguements with the hubby and I and I know I need to continue to really pray about it because even if we did have more kids it wont be for a long while.

My baby is 7 months old now and growing up sooo fast! He is 20.5 lbs and 28.5 in. long! He is looking more and more like mike everyday. He got tubes in his ears and is doing well but just fighting off a small cold which is def. minor compared to what it could be.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My cute little baby at 3 months old:)

A fresh start

I have been seeing everyone lately starting blogs with their new families and what has been going on in everyones lives. So this will be a fresh start for us to do a blog to keep a lot of friends and family updated.

Kaiden has grown up soo much. Tomorrow he will be four months old. Everyday he looks more and more like Mike. He is 18.5 pounds and 27 inches long. He is the size of a seven month old baby.:) I loved him to pieces and grows more and more everyday. His smile is enough to make your heart just melt everytime. He rolled over for the first time on Sunday after Mike and Kaiden came to pick me up. He is almost over his inner ear infection and never seemed to let it bother him. The only way we knew he had an ear infection was because fluid was leaking out of his ears. You know what the funny part is? One of kaiden's meanings for his name is "warrior". God has such a good sense of humor. Kaiden has been a warrior since the moment he was born and only gets stronger by the day. I am so anxious and excited to see what God has in store for him as he gets older.

I went away to Winchester, VA this past weekend for a tradeshow for work and I left Friday afternoon and got back late on Sunday night. It is always hard to leave my family but at the same time the overtime is nice. I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago as well for a tradeshow and was gone from Tuesday morning until Friday night. Thankfully the tradeshow travelling is done for me for a little bit. God has been so good and have seen His awesome work almost everyday.

Mike has been such an amazing father and has grown up A LOT since Kaiden was born and everyday he only gets better. I am so thankful for the family that I have and also our amazing friends.